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Washington Giving Laws to America

The angel in this picture represents one of the verses in the pledge of allegiance which is "one nation under god".


Goddess Britannia sitting by George Washington's throne represents America's victory over Britain

The man that is sitting on the throne represents George Washington. In his hands you could see the American Constitution

A woman that is holding a weapon represents America's fair justice system

The devil sitting on a cloud might represent all the issues with America 

Point of View: The artist is unknown T

Audience: Fellow Americans is the intended audience FF

Purpose: To represent America


It has been proven difficult to find any information on this image. Thus, the purpose and the message of this photo is based wholly on my opinion. I believe that the artist created this particular piece to represent America and its' foundation. The figures shown in this image each have an allegorical meaning. The constitution in the hands of George Washington helps figure out that the meaning of the image must closely be related to the government.   G

My Contemporary Image


One of the most crucial elements of American identity has always been patriotism. America was built on the bravery of men that sacrificed themselves in the war for independence. Those men died because they strongly believed in American and from that time on, an American has been someone who's loyal to United States.

 Reference: Unfortunately no information has been provided on this image.

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